Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do Re Music Notes April 29th

Vocal warmup- Slide whistle warm up-Today each student got a chance to perform a glissando solo!

Echo Song- No More Pie!

Simple song- Frog in the Meadow-Today I had the group sing along with me and what do you know? They all knew the song and joined in with great enthusiasm and excellent pitch! :)

Arioso- Today I demonstrated the difference between a speaking voice and singing voice...,i.e.,"I speak like this", "I sing like this"

Pitch Activity-See April 22nd

Movement Exploration- To warm up our bodies for movement activities we did the Bubble activity again, this time, with music "Carnival of the Animals, Aquarium by Saint Saens" The children are pros at this one now but it is still as fun as ever. :)

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill (bounce fists on thighs)
One named Jack (Thumbs up with right hand)
The other named Jill (Thumbs up with left hand)
Fly away Jack (Left hand behind back)
Fly away Jill (Right hand behind back)
Come back Jack (Bring left out)
Come back Jill (Bring right hand out)

At the Piano- Black Key's Discovery- See April 22nd.

Dance- Today we performed the a movement activity to "Walz in A flat by Johannes Brahms". These choreographed dance movements are from John M Feierabend and Peggy Lyman's Move It! curriculum which is a collection of expressive choreography to classical music. This piece had a calming effect on the class.

Song Tale- "I Had a Little Rooster"

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