Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Do Re Music Notes April 22nd

Many of today's activities were a repeat of last week's. It is important for young children to encounter lots of repetition of songs at this stage. Following is an outline what we did...

Vocal Warmup:See April 15th.

Pitch Activity:Today I sang "Leaves are Falling": a short, simple song in a minor key. I invited the children to sing along on the syllable "ba". Short songs without words in different keys helps develop a sense of pitch awareness.

Echo Song:See April 15th."No More Pie" The students really enjoy this one, today they even began to predict which line of the song was coming next. Some of the students suggested that we change the words of the song a little, instead of singing "I think I'll take a car" one student suggested a bike! Being earth day we changed the words to bike. We're all trying to do our part. ;)

Simple Song: "Frog in the Meadow"-same as last week. For the next few weeks I will sing this song solo and have the children do the stirring motion with me. This listening activity will lead into each student singing the simple song by his/herself.

Arioso:See April 15th. What is Arioso? Well, for our class it means: singing your words. Singing a sentance, singing a conversation, singing a poem are some examples. We do this through improvisation of a melody.

Movement Exploration: See April 15th. This time we performed the motions without recorded music. The students were almost completely silent throughout the entire activity!

At the Piano:Today we learned about the groups of "three black keys". We improvised on the three black keys in triple meter aka waltz beat ( 1-2-3, 1-2-3) The children took turns playing and danced to the music while they were waiting for their turn.

Song Tale:Today we read Fifteen Animals by Sandra Boynton. This is a hilarious book! We also danced to the recording. To listen and download this song click here.

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