Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17, 2009

Today we began class with our Hello Song! Then we warmed up our vocal chords with a slide whistle.
Next we sang a song in three different modes. The first song, "Russian Dance", was in a minor or aeolian mode.
Then we danced to a song in Mixolydian, You Really Got Me by The Kinks.
Next we sang a song in a major or Ionian mode, a folk song called "Down Came a Lady".
Next we sang Pitter Patter together, in preparation for solo singing.
We tried out our Arioso's. Today many of the children came up with their own Arioso's and created beautiful music.
We sang the song- Caney Mi Macaro, a song in spanish that focuses on call and response.

At the Piano:
Today we learned a part of the song London Bridge. Track 32 on your CD. See the worksheet I sent home that will show you where to guide your child's hand placement. Listen to the student part of track 32 to hear the rhythm that these notes shall be played. Enjoy!

Back in circle:
"Bill Grogan's Goat"-This is a very fun echo song. The children echo each verse of the story.
The Statue Game: I asks all the students to stand very still and make a statue pose. As I beat my drum the children change poses until I stop drumming. Wherever the student is, they must freeze in the new statue position.

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