Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 14th, 2009

Today in class we learned "The Jack O'Lantern" on the piano. This piece uses the entire keyboard. The children played the two groups of black keys starting from the top, moving down to the lowest notes and then back up again. It is in triple meter which means it moves in three.

In preparation for "Jack O'Lantern" we chanted Du da di, Du da di to become familiar with the feel of triple meter. You may guide your child in chanting the triple meter syllables Du da di to practice at home. Also have your child listen to Track 6 on your Music Moves Book A CD where you will hear the Jack O'Lanter Song.

Continue to listen to Track 4 "London Bridges" this week as well.

Today the children continued to sing "Johnny Had One Friend" as a group, this time without me singing along. They are now learning how to sing the song all by themselves.

We began to learn the French folk song "Fais Dodo"-see handout.